DL5NO’s antenna system consists of…
- Ultrabeam UB20-mx. This type of antenna forms a 2-element moxon yagi on 20m and 17m, and a 3-element full-size yagi on the upper bands (15m, 12m, 10m and 6m). The length of the elements can be changed by motors that push copper strips through fiberglass tubes. This achieves a good SWR on all bands.
- Inverted vee with a symmetric antenna tuner for the bands from 160m to 30m
- Yagi for 2m (5 elements) and 70cm (8 elements)
The ultrabeam and the yagi can be rotated.
Before installing the ultrabeam in 2021 for over 25 years a Fritzel FB23-beam has been in use, which is also shown on one of my former QSL cards.